Saturday, March 3, 2007

Is it just me....or was the Academy Awards show WAY too predictable?

I'm a little disappointed after having watched the Oscars. I mean, it was a spectacular show...those silhouette tumblers, those were pretty sweet, but the whole reason we are watching this show, other than judging glitterati, is to see WHO'S GONNA WIN?!

It was all too predictable: best actress, best actor, best picture, best director...we knew they'd win!

The only two exceptions were best supporting actor and actress. I was happy with Alan Arkin's win (go low-budget indie films!), and slightly happy with Jennifer Hudson's win (she has a great voice...)

One amazing aspect of the award show was the signifact amount of international artists present as well as being up for awards. I think we need to see this more and more. We need more international and independent movies in the runnings. "The Departed" having won for best picture, totally impedes on that. "The Departed" was a good movie, but really folks, was it TRULY worthy of receiving the man of gold?


d.binegar said...

I agree with most of your comments Joey! However everyone knew J.HUd was going to win...and I really did think "Little Miss Sunshine" had a chance at taking Best Picture. I thought this was the best telecast in years.

As for best dressed: Penelope Cruz, Cameron Diaz, Jessica Biel, Clive Owen.

Anonymous said...

Hmm...I wonder who is.....oh the mystery of it all......