Friday, February 23, 2007

America's Next Top Producer...

Hey There Media Kats,

I was reading through the other day and discovered an interesting article on a new reality show being produced by the TV Guide Channel. The show would be titled: "America's Next Top Producer" and will feature several ambitious producers competing to determine who will have the best and most original new reality show idea. The winner receives a $100,000+ development deal with the TV Guide Channel. Below is a link to the article that summarizes the project followed by a blogger commenting on this development.

Personally, I like the idea of this show, but am shocked anyone would actually produce it.

First, why is the TV Guide Channel producing original content?!? They should stick to airing show times and fluffer pieces for Fox: what they do best. It's crowded enough in our multi-channel universe, why add to the fray?

Second, as exciting as the idea of being a producer is, the work that goes into maturing an idea into a product is tedious, arduous, and occasionally...mostly boring. Why would anyone want to watch this?!?

Third, reality is on it's way out. Americans are burnt out from the genre, and while reality programming is here to stay in one form or another, producers should be looking for something new and off-beat, no one (as mentioned above) will watch the TV Guide Channel for anything but fluff and showtimes...simple.

Fourth (and final), as shocked as I am that this show has been greenlit, I am simultaneously intrigued. It's being produced by the Magical Elves' team behind Project Runway and Top Chef. If anyone can make seemingly impossible reality shows work, they can. Perhaps USFtver's will join Season 2?

- Dave

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.